
Hyper fast wordpress

How to speedup wordpress without without changing your website. Not one of my regular deeply technical posts but not any less valueable. You’re probably here because you have a Wordpress based website and are not too impressed with the performance. There are a few approaches to make your content Hyper Fast ;-) use a cache plugin with minimal changes to the site use a cache plugin to build a static version of the site migrate content to a static site generator ( hugo / pelican / jekyll) cache your site in a cdn and purge when you update content Today we are looking into the last one, cache everything at a cdn and purge on updates.

Auto update wordpress

Neat trick to always auto update wordpress and plugins. Pro Tip: You should make regular backups to have something to go back to if the update f*d your site ;-) First we need to change the permissions and ownership of the web dir. # Change Owner and Group to SomeUser and WebServerGroup (ftp-user:www-data) chown -R ftp-user:www-data /path/to/wp # Change folders to 775 find /path/to/wp -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; # files op 664 find /path/to/wp -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \; Now we need to set the prefered file access method for wordpress.